Thursday, February 15, 2007

BloggerPods Freeroll

I ran across this information at TripJax's blog and just had to throw my hat in the ring.

1. I love Apple
2. I love Poker
3. I love Freerolls for free iPods

I first heard about Poker on a Mac when I started blogging back in July or August or whatever it was. I loved the fact that there was someone fighting for the Macintosh cause out there, and I immediately linked the site on my blog.

I'm not sure when the first BloggerPods freeroll was, but all that matters now is that they're having another one coming up on March 4th. It seems all I needed to do to participate was sell out a little bit, so I was all for that. My wife blew my f'n mind and got me a video iPod for Christmas, and I told her one of my top poker playing goals for this year would be to reciprocate. Since I'll be retired by the time I earn 61k points at Full Tilt playing $10 SNGs, I figured I'd jump at the chance at this BloggerPods freeroll. Plus...hell...anything for Poker on a Mac.

See you all on March 4th!

1 comment:

TripJax said...

Smart one for the lady...erm...I mean win 2nd place for the lady...1st place is taken...